TSPSC EO (Supervisor) Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2022 – Extension Officers (Supervisor) – 181 Vacancies – Download Exam Scheme & Syllabus PDF @ tspsc.gov.in
Latest TSPSC EO (Supervisor) Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2022 – Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has released exam pattern/ scheme and syllabus for the recruitment of Extension Officer (Supervisor) Grade-I in Women Development and Child Welfare Department. Telangana PSC has released notification for the recruitment of EO (Supervisor) post and announced 181 vacancies for the post. Candidates who have applied for the recruitment may download the exam pattern/ scheme and syllabus from the TSPSC Website (tspsc.gov.in).
Candidates can also download the exam pattern and syllabus from the link given below. Telangana State Public Service Commission will announce exam date for the recruitment soon. TSPSC EO (Supervisor) Selection process involves Written Examination and Document Verification. The Written Examination consists of two papers (Paper-1 & Paper-2). Written Examination comprises of questions from the subjects of General Studies & General Abilities and Concerned Subject (Degree Level).
Important details of TSPSC EO (Supervisor) Exam Pattern & Syllabus
Written Examination Pattern:-
- Objective Type (Multiple Choice Questions).
- OMR Based/ Computer Based Test.
- Two Papers (Paper-1 & Paper-2).
- Paper-1: General Studies and General Abilities.
- Bilingual (English & Telugu).
- 150 Questions.
- 150 Marks.
- 150 Minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes).
- Paper-2: Concerned Subject (Degree Level)
- Bilingual (English & Telugu).
- 150 Questions.
- 150 Marks.
- 150 Minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes).
- Paper-1: General Studies and General Abilities.
- Total Questions – 300.
- Total Marks – 300.
Subject | Questions/ Marks |
General Studies & General Abilities | 150/ 150 |
Concerned Subject | 150/ 150 |
Total | 300/ 300 |
Note – Check detailed exam pattern in TSPSC EO (Supervisor) Notification 2022.
Written Examination Syllabus:-
- Paper-I: General Studies and General Abilities
- Current Affairs – Regional, National and International.
- International Relations and Events.
- General Science; India’s achievements in Science and Technology.
- Environmental issues and Disaster Management.
- Economy of India and Telangana.
- Geography of India with a focus on Telangana.
- Indian Constitution and Polity with a focus on local self Government.
- Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana.
- Policies of Telangana State.
- History of Modern India with a focus on Indian National Movement.
- History of Telangana with special emphasis on Movement for Telangana Statehood.
- Logical Reasoning, Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation.
- Basic English.
- Paper-2: Concerned Subject (Common for All)
- Social Structure: Man and Society – Society – Characteristics and functions of Society – Community: meaning and types of communities – characteristics of rural and urban communities – Social processes – Concept of Socialization. Social control – Rural Social Stratification – Caste System – Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes in Rural society, etc.
- Basic Social Institutions: Basic Social Institutions in Rural Society – Family: Nature of Family organization, change in role and status of women and factors affecting functions of family, approaches to the study of family; Family life cycle and development tasks; Family life education. – Marriage: Changing patterns of marriage and its consequences – marital disharmony and counseling. Kinship, Religion, Economy, Polity, etc.
- Human Life Span Development: Growth and development – concepts, major issues, principles, Developmental stages, Developmental tasks during life span, Factors for growth and development; Pregnancy-Care, complications, critical periods in development, Types of birth, complications during delivery; Post natal care of mother and child; Care of new born, etc.
- Human Nutrition and Food Science: Importance of nutrition for well being; Nutrients-carbohydrate, protein, fat, energy, fat soluble vitamins-A,D,E,K, water soluble vitamins-B-complex and Vit.C, minerals-Ca, P, Fe, I, Zn, Na, F – Role, Functions, Sources, Requirements, Deficiency signs and symptoms and Health problems associated; Basic food groups – Composition and Nutritive value, etc.
- Family and Community Nutrition: Functional food groups; Concept of Balanced diet; Principles of meal planning; Nutrient requirements and Dietary guidelines in -Pregnant, lactating women, Infants, Preschoolers, School Children, Adolescents and adults; Therapeutic modifications in Diet during -Fevers, Gastro intestinal, liver, heart and kidney diseases, obesity and Diabetes; Assessment of Nutritional Status of Community, etc.
- Early Childhood Development and Education: Characteristics and Significance of ECDE; Motor, Language, Cognitive, Socioemotional and Moral development -Concept /Meaning, principles, importance, classification and influencing factors; Early Childhood Education – Concept, Types, Need and History of ECE; ECE centers-Need, for ECE centers, Objectives of ECE Programme, etc.
- Health, Hygiene and Sanitation: Health-Definition, importance; Health indicators- Mortality, Morbidity, and other secondary data – definitions, incidence; Immunization- Importance, vaccines and their utility, immunization schedule for children and others; Water- importance, sources, safety, water treatment/ purification methods, water borne diseases; Personal hygieneimportance, etc.
- Policies and Programmes related to Rural Development, Women and Children: Rural development: concept, need, meaning, and objectives, functions of extension education for rural development; Panchayati Raj institutions – concept, structure and functions. Rural Development Programmes – Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), etc.
- Social problems: Poverty, Unemployment, Migration, Alcoholism, Caste conflicts, Dowry, child marriage.
- Social work Intervention and communication: Social work intervention in the areas of women’s welfare and child development; working with individuals, group, families and communities. Communication – process, elements, models, and barriers; Conventional and new media communication technologies – Classification, types, advantages and limitations; etc.
Note – check detailed exam syllabus in TSPSC EO (Supervisor) Notification 2022.
Steps to download TSPSC EO (Supervisor) Exam Pattern & Syllabus
- Logon to TSPSC official website and then locate Direct Recruitment.
- Find notification for Extension Officer (Supervisor) Grade-I.
- Read the advertisement carefully and check your eligibility.
- If you are eligible then apply for the recruitment.
- Candidates who have applied for the recruitment may download the exam pattern & Syllabus.
- Exam pattern and syllabus is available in the notification.
- Read the exam pattern and prepare well for the exam.
Organization | Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) |
Course | Extension Officer (Supervisor) Grade-I |
Vacancies | 181 |
Exam | Online/ Written Test |
Category | Syllabus |
Exam Date | Yet to Announce |
Exam Pattern & Syllabus Link | <<Click Here>> |
Find upcoming TSPSC exam notifications @ Recruitment Reader. For more details regarding TSPSC EO (Supervisor) Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2022 logon to TSPSC official site. The information given above is based on the TSPSC EO (Supervisor) official advertisement.
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